- 軟件大小:706KB
- 軟件語言:中文
- 軟件類型:國產(chǎn)軟件
- 軟件類別:免費軟件 / 其他行業(yè)
- 更新時間:2015-12-14 10:13
- 運行環(huán)境:WinAll, WinXP
- 軟件等級:
- 軟件廠商:
- 官方網(wǎng)站:http://m.aimjoke.net

MoxGen天線是一種簡單易制的50 歐姆長方形天線,你輸入的設(shè)計頻率和電線大小能產(chǎn)生一個天線模型文件。技術(shù)來源于L. B. Cebik,W4 RNL 發(fā)展的一個運算法則為基礎(chǔ)設(shè)計的軟件。
a) 按那計算按鈕 (或按鍵Alt-C)
b) 按回車鍵
c) 改變輸出單位
d) 按打印按鈕 (或按鍵Alt-P)
e) 按Hamyou.com按鈕 (或按鍵Alt-G)
按"Hamyou.com" 按鍵為輸出其他仿真軟件適用的文件格式。
Program usage notes:
1. Results are automatically recalculated when you:
a) click the Calculate button (or press Alt-C)
b) press the Enter key
c) change the output units
d) click the Print button (or press Alt-P)
e) click the Generate Model button (or press Alt-G)
2. You can enter a wire size in AWG units by typing "#" followed by the wire size, no matter what the current wire size units setting is. If the setting is already "AWG" you can just enter the gauge number with or without the leading "#" sign.
3. Printing is done with a white background. Buttons on the right side of the window are intentionally not printed. You'll be asked to confirm a print request.
4. International users: You should enter the frequency and wire size values using a comma as a decimal symbol if that is the standard for your region. The NEC file generated (if any) will be formatted using a period, as is required by the NEC calculating engines.